Tuesday, April 16, 2013

east bay bike ride

you guys. i LOVE the sequoia. LOVELOVELOVE. i'm so glad we found each other.

we took a ride to the east bay...

Good morning gorgeous. #sequoia

i don't know the east bay super well, but i know we met up in oakland, rode through berkeley's campus, and started CLIMBING out of campus until we found the nice grade on grizzly peak blvd that took us up.

this ride was virtually the opposite of the cinderella classic. that was relatively flat and long. this ride was about 25 miles with about 1600+ climbing (got two different numbers from two different methods of recording...which one to trust?).

Grizzly peak

good news is, looks like this bike and i are ready for marin rides. can't wait to see how she performs out there!


  1. That's a fantastic picture. <3 hills
    I always get way way different elevation data from Bikeroutetoaster to my Memory Map - one is usually twice the other!?! I think the higher one is more accurate due to the way it records the elevation gain - once read a very dull article explaining it all.

    I'm just back from three days of riding in the Lake District. We did just under 80 miles and around 10k feet of ascent. Ouch! I feel like some warrior woman for doing that. And mucho qudos to the guys in their 70s & 80s who were on the trip too - I hope I'm still doing this when I get to that age.

    Have fun with the sequoia

  2. can I know the type of bike, or can also brand, i need the information to bali bicycle tour
