Monday, June 21, 2010

A Little Something

Another weekend has come and passed and I have nothing pithy to write about and not enough photos dealt with on any one subject to cobble something together with. So I'll just throw up a few random shots of happy bike life in San Francisco from last weekend and try to do better tomorrow.


Bicycles in front of cafés is pretty much the "fish in a barrel" shot in these parts.

Road Safety Class

The City was awash with adult Bike Ed classes from the SFBC.

Railroad Crossing

It is easy to stop at intersections if you get something interesting, like one of SF's historic trolley cars, to watch.

Lawn Bikes

Sun Bathing

When the signs say that bicycles are not allowed on the path we try our best to comply and head for the lawn instead.

Happy Hour

And if it all gets to be just too much in the City, we can head to Point Reyes and leave our trusty steeds outside while we get a beer.


  1. Hi! Congratulations for the blog! I follow it from La plata, Argentina. It's great the infraestructure you have for bikes in your city...we do not have anything, despite the fact much people ride bikes all day. It's inspiring, hope it would be different here...I apologize for the bad english. Saludos! Verónica.

  2. Very nice post! I love the pictures of people relaxing and having fun and getting to places on their bikes!!

    Peace :)

  3. i love when all the yellow zebras get repainted. makes all the colors and streetviews seem like our life is very high on the saturation side, in real life! <3

  4. Shot no. 4 looks like the aftermath of some horrendous bike related massacre at first glance...
