Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Found this awesome story/video trailer of the amazing Californian rider and Compton's finest and couldn't help to share.
The Williams sisters, dr.Dre & I hope soon American cyclists other than Lance, become as influential as the inspirational Bahiti is. Ride on!!

Found/From here.


  1. I think that is the first man in lycra that I have found attractive : )

  2. wow, this guy is so inspriational and the video/this post totally ties into a lot of what has been going on upstairs for me in the past few weeks. something, upon which i will to expand on veryveryveryvery soon.

    i wonder what they do in SF...hmmmm. ;)

    thanks for sharing meli!

  3. I apologize. I know I'm commenting on old posts, but I just found this site and love it so much that I'm working my way back to the beginning.

    Anyway, Adrienne, YES! The first and only man. (Sorry, Lance.)
