Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rush Hour

For the first time in ages I found myself Downtown at quitting time. In just the year that I have not been working, the number of people riding on Market St. has sky rocketed!

Rush Hour

I spent three minutes at one spot and shot whoever came by.

Rush Hour 2

Rush Hour 3

I couldn't get them all.

Rush Hour 4

Rush Hour 5

These are just a few of those who passed. I wonder how many of them were riding like this last year? How many of them are new to bicycle commuting? If I had been able to stay a little longer, maybe just 10 minutes, I would have been able to shoot the packs of riders you see at 5:15 PM on every intersection of Downtown SF. How many more will there be next year?


  1. I noticed more bike commuters here in San Diego too...I hope this continues. I love riding with others even if we don't chat. Life seems so much more full of possibilities on days I see numerous riders.

  2. Fritz- It will be an interesting day when Market St. is free of private vehicles!

    Beany- I try so hard to get to SD and never get there. I bet I will see a huge difference in ridership the next time I am there!

  3. Sounds like San Fran is getting the bike bug pretty good, exciting times esp now so much more infrastructure can be built on Townsend and 4th.

    Adrienne, do you know what the modal share of cyclists against other traffic is in SF? Despite 400% growth in the past 10 years here in London, modal share for bikes is still only about 2% and I'm trying to figure out if we are on a par with other cities (as well as work out what we can all do to help improve this situation!)

  4. look at all those long sleeves in August ! oh how i miss The City...

  5. Adrienne: I'd love to meet you either here in SD or in SF when I come up. Thom has told me so much about you and I think we'd have much to talk about.

    I'd also love to meet Meli and Cali - the three of you inspire me endlessly.

  6. Mark- I have no idea what the share is these days. Above 4% as that is what it was a couple of years ago. It will be interesting to see what happens after the 39 miles of bicycle lane we have been waiting 5 years for finally goes in. I wouldn't be surprised to see us hit 10% in the next year or two.

    Anon- I just heard on the news that SF has not broken the 70* mark in over 45 days. Summer has become something that happens to other people around here : (

    Beany- I am sure it would be fun!

  7. the last pic is my gf and she has a cute behind.
