Friday, July 1, 2011

Bike My Beer

You go for a ride, you have a beer. While this may not be true for you, it is for the 98 out of a hundred other people that rode around you. In the past, if you were one of those 98 people in Portland, you would have to ride your bike to a place with beer to make this inevitable combination of events happen. Not anymore!

Loaded for Beer!

Welcome Beer Bike 2.0 by Metrofiets! After the amazing response they got to their first beer bike for Hopworks, the boys decided that maybe it was time they had their own! Two kegs, two taps, fully self contained, with music system on board.

The best thing about it? You can rent it and make your party soooo much bikier! Delivered to you (as long as you are within peddling distance of it in the first place), picked up and cleaned so that all you have to do is plug in your keg of choice.

sunny day keg_03

Throw a little hors d'ouvres spread on the top, get your bike gang to swing by your place and it is on!

ride test_wtih Ella_2
all photos courtesy of Metrofiets

And should the need arise, you could have a little kid transport added to the mix.


  1. That last picture is great -- the best bike a dad could want!


  2. That is entirely funtastic! Reminds me of the picnic table bike posted a while back on Bike Hacks...

  3. if only i could get rid of the requirement for a fixed location I could finally become a mobile bartender! would be the crap out of being a bike courier

  4. How Fantastic!!

  5. Man, I wish I lived in Portland sometimes...
    If for some unforseeen reason The Scientist doesn't get tenure at MIT, we're headed to Portland post haste.
