Friday, March 12, 2010

Bikes, SF y hen power

One of my personal favorite aspects of blogging is meeting other people you have established contact, communication and evolved into some type of online friendship through common interests, the bicycle, fashions, your city.
The Orbit room. One of my favorite spots to catch a drink and be able to talk in town, on a weekend.

¿Qué es eso? by Patrick Barber (is called bday welcoming, al estylo de meli eh eh ehhh)

I had the lovely pleasure of meeting Patrick (on flickr and creator of velócouture). Adrienne got to visit to where Patrick and fam. were staying, unfortunately (sad face) due to work I didn't get to meet the rest of the family, but soon - I'm sure. Ade's post is perhaps coming up soon.
We get the tired, often super jet-lagged and lovely people of the blogesphere. We have met Mikael from CPH, some people from the UK and a tremendous amount of local peeps all over the Bay Area.
Patrick's birthday was that Saturday and though he was pretty tired (I'm sure that lovely Anastasia is pure energy!) he was a great sport and had a few drinks muy San Francisco. Beers, Negroni and a round of some tequila añejo to celebrate. He is just the way I had imagined him, mellow, soft spoken and a thing for bikes and all things bay area.
It was also nice to catch him riding Ade's infamous yacht, the Bat.
Here are some more photos - enjoy:
hen to the patrick to the snap. snap.
hen to the patrick to the snap. snap.
ade y james
ade y james.
we all took pics of each other – flickernites unite!

Grupo de orbit room by Ade

Next time we are due for some coffee!
The bikey blogesphere keeps growing and yet getting smaller and tighter. It's awesome :D
♥Great to have you Patrick!!


  1. Awesome group.

    Love the velócouture blog! High quality, globally oriented, and fun.

  2. thanks christa! :D
    we cant wait to meet you (and we are very tempted to head yer way soon....)


  3. Looks like a a lovely group of people and a fun meet-up! I hope to be able to do stuff like that via cycle-blogging as I have through Flickr.

    Lady Vélo.

  4. oh gosh, just saw this... how sweet. twas so good to meet you all.
