San Francisco has 6 days this year when several of our streets are closed to car traffic and opened to the public for whatever we can think to do there! It is amazing to be on a major street and not worry about being doored or right hooked (at least by cars, those zippy 4 year olds need to be watched like a hawk! ). Thousands of people show up to ride bikes, roller skate, jog, stroll, hula hoop..... You couldn't put that many cars in the same space and get the same results- cooperative use of space between all participants, smiling children playing, parents relaxed and happy, senior citizens mixing in with the crowd....
The next is June 7th through San Francisco's historic Mission District! I can not wait! The Mission is the epicenter of utility bicycling in SF and it will be a party! Music, food, coffee, la raza!! Did I already say I can not wait?
Here is a slide show of the two days we have had so far.
Love your new blog! Such a great idea, I'll be checking back :)