Thursday, May 26, 2011

Freakin' Yuppies

Yep. He is riding in a cargo bike playing on an iPad.

Freakin' Yuppies

The best part- two women in a minivan pulled up next to us with three kids in the back seat. When she saw Declan playing on the computer, she conceded defeat.


  1. 'When she saw Declan playing on the computer, she conceded defeat.'

    :D hahaa .. Beautifully put! ... succint!
    He's adorable!
    Have a nice day. ;)

  2. Oooops 'succint' should read 'succinct' ... my fingers are still 'indisciplined'! ;p

  3. love it. And I have def been there. My first group bike rally 3 mile ride withthe kids on the box bike and I handed them the phone to play with. I knew it would take me a while and they were borderline cranky so I kept them happy and quiet so I could ride.

  4. oh and congrats on the bakfiet!!! Nice ride- so much better than a minivan!

  5. B&C- thank you!

    L- he is really cute when he decides to pretend the bucket is a pirate ship : )

    V- when my oldest boy was this age he saved up for a Game Boy. Whenever we had to wait in a really long line or if he took the plane to LA by himself there was always another kid with a GB, too. They would connect their games and play away and talk, instant friends. Some people think technology is bad, but when you are dragging a kid along to do something they have no interest in it can be a life saver.
