Saturday, March 26, 2011

Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract

Meli insists I own every kind of bicycle there is. I certainly own the bikes at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Hubby the Bikeman is riding his 22lb mid-80's Miyata which has been converted to fixed. We call it the MLF, the Mid-Life Fixie. James points out that he does not call the bike that, but the rest of us do so that is its name.

I am riding La Ballena (The Whale), a 65lb cargo bike with a great big wooden bucket on the front.

La Ballena could crush the MLF. It would be a very unfare fight. Of course, the MLF could easily outrun any threat La Ballena represents. Despite this, they live together in peace in our garage and on the streets of San Francisco.


  1. is this a reflection of some interpersonal tension? :)

  2. I will not comment except to say that at this moment, there was no tension visible : )
