Tuesday, February 12, 2013

friday frolicking in the park with bike snob and velo vogue

continuing on the bike snob theme, it's quite possible he saw the pacific ocean on friday.

a few friends, mamakSF and velo vogue, and a music bike came along to the 2nd casting call. here's some pictures that jenn chan took.

on the way to snobbery.

not quite ready for my closeup. i need my SAG card first please.

KT took the dressing euro part very seriously. so cute!!

preparing for scene.

what is snobbier than this setting? not much.

mamakSF about to deliver bread all around town.

windmills and birds.

our golden gate park has so many beautiful nooks and crannies! the queen wilhemina garden is one of them!

speaker bike.

rookie came too!

it was such an awesome time. until i left my pannier behind. but i got it back quickly...and i subsequently passed out (in a bed) from the stress. saturday was a new day!

can't wait to see what the video will look like. did we make the cut, or the cutting room floor. we just have to wait and see.

and now will just have to leave you with the theme song to my life. ;)


  1. Now I am attempting to think of a theme song for my life. Perhaps "Romeo & Juliet" by Dire Straits...I'll have to think about this.
    Fun post.

    1. let us know what you come up with song-wise.

      and thanks!
