Friday, October 29, 2010

halloween critical mass

last year the three of us who are in SF rode in the halloween critical mass. fun and lots of hijinks ensued post ride. here's a video mikael of CCC and copenhagenize made of his experiences last year, and the yours truly three are in it along w/ KT:

wow. it's been a year? really? crazy.

and here are a few of our pics from that awesome evening:

Feather Face
feather face
ade's flickr set

La pirata y la de cabellera verde.
La pirata y la de cabellera verde
meli's flickr set

The bay bridge.
the bay bridge had a cable fail last year around this time.
ctx's teenytiny set

tonight it's supposed to rain (& wash away those badbadbad baseball spirits), so turn out might be lighter, but i'm sure no less fun, than last year.

enjoy the CM in your city tonight as well!


  1. OMG i love this post!! <333
    and the bay bridge FAIL, damn I had forgotten about that.

  2. Oh, this looks so fun! Thanks for sharing these pics.
